When I first got to the gym to work out before my shift, I noticed that there were skinny people working out with lots of confidence in the free weight area. Before I even started my workout I observed them some more, just so I wouldn't scare them away when I did workout with my heavy ass weight. After watching them for a couple minutes I decided to start my workout and noticed that they started to become self-conscious.
Since it was just shoulder day I didn’t do any really heavy weight and I was also pretty far away from them. I like to check myself out in the mirrors after sets every so often and they would look at me with a look of admiration. It’s flattering that there are people admiring you but can also be really weird and uncomfortable after a while of them consistently staring at you. Once I started shoulder press which went up to decently heavy weight, they began to feel uncomfortable on being in the free weight section. As soon as another big person showed up and started working on chest, the scrawny people left. More and more big people started showing up and soon enough there were no more scrawny people left.
Once I was done with my work out and started my shift, I noticed that the only scrawny people who had any confidence in going to the free weight section where the ones being trained by a big person. Soon enough I will also begin personal training myself and hopefully I will have a client that I can interview to figure out if it the big people’s look that intimidates them or is it the fact that they lift heavy weight, scream, and slam the weights. So far from what my coworkers have told me when I asked them, they said that from what they’ve noticed it is the screaming and weight slamming that scares the scrawny people away.
-junior v
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