This week I was observing
in corner three and I was also able to observe people that were in the couch
area. And to me those people seemed a little weirder, as if they were literally
just trying to kill time before their next class.
This one girl, was
literally just staring into blank space. She wasn’t even staring at the wall or
anything. She was just staring directly in front of her and she was doing so
for a good 5-7 minutes. It sort of freaked me out so I wonder if the people
around her were wondering the same thing.
Also in the couch area,
there were two people passing their time by sleeping. Like seriously? How can
you just sleep out in the open? I would be too paranoid that someone would try
to take my bag or my wallet or something.
The rest of the people
(mainly girls) were in groups chit chatting, and sitting around in a circle. I
figured they were maybe juniors or seniors to have such a big group of people,
because usually freshmen are lonely or with one or two buddies to kill time
with. Not in a group of about 10.
My other observations
were pretty much the same. I came to the same pattern that most men alone
rather than the woman, and in my first weeks observation, I hinted that maybe
it’s because of the same reason why women don’t use the bathroom alone. They usually
drag a friend along with them. So I see more men eating alone than women, and I also seen more men in groups then the women. Usually when there is a table of ladies, there is usually only two of them, but when you see a table of guys, there is usually about three or four of them, maybe even more.
Another interesting thing that I saw was that this one girl was going between two tables. She was originally sitting with a guy at table 6 and I guess her two friends decided to sit next to them at table 7. Instead of introducing them and merging tables, she was going from table to table. Talking to her one friend at the table she originally sat at and then going to the next table and talking to the two people there. I also wondered how her friends must have felt. I know that if I were to be one of her friends at that table I would have been annoyed. Because it’s like either you are going to sit with us or sit with him or we all sit together. All that running around was unnecessary.
-Rosie G